Well I've had one interesting evening. I got all dolled up for the fun of it, which really was a lot of fun, and I had absolutely nothing to do. Sad times, no? SO. My friend, Callie, and I went over to a friend-of-a-friend's room (Jeremy's friend, Garret) to watch Hot Fuzz. I swear there was about 2o people there. We couldn't even open the door all the way because we had so many couches, chairs and people. Pretty sure that's a fire code violation, but, eh. There were four RAs there (including myself) and what makes this funny is that we got in trouble, not once, but twice. For noise. Tabor didn't even say anything about the amount of people in the room, just the noise. It was fun, though, and turns out Hot Fuzz is a really good movie. Really funny.
Anyway, that ended, so Callie and I decided that we were going to a party to check on one of her residents. We finally find the place we're going and realize that there is a TON of alcohol there, so we very quickly leave (um, our jobs are in serious jeopardy if we're caught anywhere near alcohol and with knowledge of it). So we start trying to figure out what to do and find out that the Sig Eps are having a party. Long story short, I went a party at a frat house tonight. I think I can officially say I'm a college student now. Not really, but it was fun. Not too terribly exciting, but I was amused for a while. There wasn't alcohol (in the open, anyway) and they had the UCAPD at the party keeping an eye on stuff. It was fun, I didn't stay long, though. I went to the fountain and just sat there with my feet in for a while. It was really nice and I'm glad I went and just had some peace for a while.
I'm off to bed now, though. I gotta be at the Student Center by 8:15 a.m. because we're helping with a clean-up project in LR tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Go CircleK!!
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