So I finally decided to write in this thing. I've started entries two or three times, but to no avail. I've lost my ability to write my thoughts and write them well. The urge is still there, but the connection from my brain to my fingers seems to be gone, or dying at least.
I haven't moved to a different country, or even a different state, and there aren't many exciting and wondrous events that happen in my day-to-day life . . . not yet, anyway. Once I get back to school and have freshmen girls to supervise, I'm sure the hilarity will most definitely ensue. For now, though, you'll be privy to my thoughts and observations. Not gonna apologize if they're boring - you chose to read. :)
The 4-H office has been a wonderful place to work for the past two summers, but I am not at all sorry that this is my last summer to be employed here. I love most of the people, I do, but I am more than ready to move on to different occupations and new experiences. Plus, I'm tired of the drama that comes from working in close proximity to a certain person also employed with 4-H. Eh, it happens everywhere. There have been some funny moments from this summer, but I'm smart enough **gasp!** to realize they wouldn't be funny to those who don't know the background and who weren't there for the moment. Just let it be known that we (the interns) have amused this office, and ourselves, and THAT has made this summer wonderful.
Speaking of work, I should probably find something to do a tad more productive with my time and shows them I'm worth they pay they're shelling out. I'm sure I'll be back soon, if not later today.
- J.T.